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AG-glass (Anti-Glare glass)

AG-glass is the must-have solution for any outdoor display or display application under strong light. Its anti-glare treatment ensures that your content is always visible and easily readable, regardless of the lighting conditions. With a wide range of applications such as advertising screens, cash registers, medical displays, e-book readers, ticket machines, and more, AG-glass is the epitome of visibility and clarity.

Introducing AG-glass, the revolutionary solution for outdoor display and display applications under strong light. Whether you need it for advertising screens, ATM cash machines, POS cash registers, medical B-displays, e-book readers, subway ticket machines, or any other application, AG-glass is the answer to your visibility challenges.

The main feature of AG-glass is its anti-glare treatment, which significantly reduces the reflection of light on the surface of the glass. This means that even under the brightest sunlight or the harshest indoor lighting, you can still enjoy clear and visible content on your display.

What sets AG-glass apart from other solutions is its simple identification method. By simply placing a piece of AG-glass under a fluorescent light and observing the tube from the front, you can easily determine if it has the AG treatment. If the light source of the lamp is dispersed, it means that the glass has the AG treatment. On the other hand, if the light source of the lamp is clearly visible, it means that the glass does not have the AG treatment.

The applications for AG-glass are wide-ranging and diverse. For outdoor advertising screens, AG-glass ensures that your content is always visible, even in direct sunlight. No more struggling to read the information on the screen or missing out on important messages due to glare. With AG-glass, your advertisements will always make a lasting impression.

ATM cash machines and POS cash registers often require display solutions that can withstand strong lighting conditions. AG-glass provides the perfect solution by reducing the reflection on the surface, allowing customers to easily view transactions and navigate the interface without any hindrance.

In medical B-displays, where accuracy and precision are of utmost importance, AG-glass ensures that healthcare professionals can clearly see the data on the screen without any interference from glare. This improves efficiency and reduces the risk of errors in critical medical situations.

E-book readers have become increasingly popular, and AG-glass enhances the reading experience by reducing glare and reflection. Whether you are reading indoors or outdoors, you can enjoy your favorite e-books without any visual disturbances, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the content.

Even subway ticket machines can benefit from AG-glass. With the constant flow of people and varying lighting conditions in subway stations, it can be challenging for users to interact with the machines. AG-glass eliminates this problem by minimizing glare and reflection, making it easier for commuters to purchase tickets and navigate the interface.

In conclusion, AG-glass is the must-have solution for any outdoor display or display application under strong light. Its anti-glare treatment ensures that your content is always visible and easily readable, regardless of the lighting conditions. With a wide range of applications such as advertising screens, cash registers, medical displays, e-book readers, ticket machines, and more, AG-glass is the epitome of visibility and clarity. Experience the difference with AG-glass and never miss out on important information again.